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Sunday 27 April 2014


OK, so who struggles with cellulite?

Victoria from In the Frow has must-read advice on banishing the lumps and bumps before summer begins....

"Us ladies are continuously trying to find ways to battle the stubborn parts of our body. For the majority of us, our legs, thighs and backside are the most stubborn of all and it can take so much effort to get them to look the way we hope. Whilst hours at the gym may be beneficial, it is also a huge burden, not to mention extremely boring, so we are always looking for something that little bit easier and less time consuming.

AVON Celluscript and But Lifter- Anti Cellulite Treatment
Avon Cellu-Script and Butt Lifter

This is where products can really make a huge difference. Toning and sculpting products are popping up on the market everyday, often including more weird and wonderful ingredients that can burn fat and tighten glutes without us even moving. I decided to try the Avon Butt Lifter and Cellu Sculpt, especially as these are two areas I am extremely concerned with and together, I thought they might make a great duo team.

AVON Celluscript and But Lifter - Anti Cellulite
AVON Celluscript and But Lifter
First up, the Cellu Sculpt is an anti-cellulite treatment that integrates a trio roller system. The product is dispelled through a central hole, whilst the 360 degrees trio rollers can help to massage and disperse the product over the legs and thighs. I use this over my, what some what call 'saddlebags,' as well as all the way down the sides of my thighs and anywhere else that I know is a problem for cellulite. The rollers may application quick, easy and actually more appealing, as it gives you a feeling that you are getting two helping hands. The lotion but also the massaging action. At the end of the day, the more you massage your legs, glutes and thighs, the more you will massage the fatty cells underneath the skin and cause them to break up. So massaging these areas is key to reaching your goals. But this product I was actually so pleased with and it sits pride of place on my bed side table now, so I apply it before bed every night. The scent is fresh, light and lovely and its a pleasure to apply.

AVON Celluscript Massaging Head - Anti Cellulite
AVON Celluscript Massaging Head

The Butt Lifter is similar. A lovely fresh scent, light to apply but it doesn't come with a built in massager. This time I add a 50p piece of the product into my hands and disperse across both 'butt' cheeks, aiming mostly on the under side to really provide a bit more lift. Again the massaging action will greatly help overtime and adds to the overall outcomes of these sorts of products. However, after applying, I can tell my skin feels tighter and firmer due to the ingredients in the product and I think that overtime, this will greatly improve the overall appearance of my tush, which in turn will make it look lifted and more toned. So really, its a win win.
AVON Butt Lifter - Bum Lift and Anti Cellulite Treatment
AVON Butt Lifter

Two products that I think most women should have ready to use at home. The majority of us suffer with these issues, and if you are able to get into the habit of massaging products into those areas, you will see great differences after a few weeks. The Cellu Sculpt though is a big winner for me, so if you were choosing between the two, hands free massaging all the way!

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